A remote evacuation scramble as the Northwest Territories burns | The Big Story

A remote evacuation scramble as the Northwest Territories burns | The Big Story

September 5, 2023 Off By admin

(UPDATE: Late Wednesday night, the government of the Northwest Territories announced a phased evacuation order for Yellowknife as the fires closed in.)

There are hundreds of fires burning in the Northwest Territories right now. Some are threatening Yellowknife, leaving parts of the city under evacuation watch. Others have already forced evacuations by plane in remote communities without road access. The challenge is immense. The area is vast, much of it is on fire, and communication can be unstable.

How bad is this season compared to seasons past? How much has already been destroyed and how tense is the situation? Is any relief in sight? And why can’t the local radio station that’s been a lifeline during this emergency post to Facebook, where much of its audience is desperate for up-to-date information?

GUEST: Emily Blake, reporter and assistant editor, Cabin Radio (Find Cabin Radio’s up to date reporting here: https://cabinradio.ca/category/news/)
Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/16327213?utm_source=youtube