ICN Dr. Greg K. Dillon Award Goes to Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Denis Mukwege of the Democratic Republic of Congo
August 25, 2022Human Rights - Social Gov originally published at Human Rights - Social Gov
Mrs. Thérèse Kulungu receiving the Dr. Greg Dillion Excellence in Action Awards at the Panzi Clinic in Kinshasa along with Mr. Billy Issa

Dr. Greg K. Dillon of Indiana, USA

ICN Special Envoy Dr. Ruben West and son, Youth Speaker Robinson West speaking at honor ceremony in Kinshasa

iChange Nations Special Envoy Dr. Ruben West and President and Founder World Civility Leader Sir Dr. Clyde Rivers

The iChange Nations Dr. Greg Dillion Excellence in Action Award
Dr. Denis Mukwege Awarded the iChange Nations Dr. Greg K. Dillion Excellence in Action Award During Special Ceremony at the Fleuve Congo Hotel in Kinshasa
— Dr. Denis Mukwege
KINSHASA , WESTLANDS SUB COUNTY, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO , August 19, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — “I think people generally have a good heart and the intention to help”- Vincent Kompany. This quote gives a summary of what Dr. Denis Mukwege has. Dr. Denis is better known as “the man who mends women.” His dedication to mending broken and sexually violated women in society has seen him become the world’s leading specialist in the treatment of wartime sexual violence and a global campaigner against the use of rape as a weapon of war.
He is a world-renowned gynecologist, human rights activist, and Nobel Peace Laureate from East Congo. He is also the founder of Panzi Hospital and Foundation. The organization endeavors to provide an effective and holistic model of healing to women wounded by rape and other assaults during the war that shook the eastern part of Congo for more than two decades. During that time, Dr. Mukwege was the only obstetrician-gynecologist in the region. The hospital has so far treated more than 50,000 victims of sexual violence. The hospital also serves as a general hospital for nearly 500,000 underserved people, from treating broken bones to cancer. According to the World Bank, it delivers more than 3,500 babies per year with a 99.1% live-birth rate – a staggering achievement in a country with one of the worst mortality rates on record.
Dr. Denis’ life and commitment to giving sexually violated women a new face of life hasn’t been without challenges. What made him commit to making the lives of his brothers and sisters better was when he accompanied his father, who was a pastor, to visit the sick in Bukavu. While on the visit, they came across a terminally-ill boy. They prayed for him but were unable to do more. Unfortunately, the boy died. This experience gave him a “holy anger,” which aroused his desire to become a doctor. He told his father: “You can pray, but I will give medicines.” At that time, he has eight years old.
In October 2012, after he had given a speech at the United Nations in which he denounced the decade-long conflict in Congo, five armed men invaded his house in Bukavu. They held his family at gunpoint and killed his friend and security guard, Joseph Bizimana. Denis survived the assassination attempt but fled with his family to Belgium for a short period. Upon hearing this, the women he had impacted their lives with his kind deeds started raising money for his return ticket and brought it to the hospital. Despite continuous threats against him, he returned to Bukavu in January 2013 and resumed work at the hospital.
Dr. Denis Mukwege was awarded by iChange Nations with the prestigious “Dr. Greg Dillion Excellence in Action Award. The official ceremony took place at the Fleuve Congo Hotel in Kinshasa, DRC.
Dr. Greg Dillon is a World Civility Ambassador, Martial Artist, Thought Leader, and Entrepreneur. He draws inspiration from his early life while farming and mining in Southern Indiana, USA. His family lived and depended on a good harvest. A good harvest was realized from good seeds and proper nurturing of the crop. According to Dr. Greg, this principle applies to raising strong children.
Dr. Dillon has presented self-defense and safety awareness programs for children and women from all walks of life, from high school to college to business professionals. He has devoted much of his career to developing and implementing practical self-defense and safety awareness programs. He is also known as Grandmaster Dillon in the martial arts world and has been training since 1971. His prowess in the martial arts has seen him rise to the rank of 10th degree Black Belt in the Dillman Karate International (DKI) organization.
Dr. Dillon believes in safety and civility through education and practical community involvement. His training programs are designed to educate the public on self-protection and avoidance of conflicts. Grandmaster Dillon retired as an electrical utility industry expert with over 30 years of experience. He trained as an industrial firefighter and is a medical first responder, certified by the Indiana Department of Homeland Security.
Dr. Denis Mukwege was nominated and presented with the award by iChange Nations Special Envoy, Dr. Ruben West. Dr. West was appointed Special Envoy for iChange Nations
by the organization’s President and Founder, Dr. Clyde Rivers. Dr. West carries out his global mandate by identifying deserving individuals and submitting them to the organization for award consideration. Dr. Dénis Award was received by Mrs. Thérèse Kulungu, a representative and former executive secretary of Dr. Dénis Mukwege at the Panzi Clinic in Kinshasa.
Dr. Denis Mukwege was previously awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018 for championing the end of the use of rape as a weapon of war. He has also received numerous awards for his outstanding services to survivors of rape. They include the UN Human Rights Prize (2008), the Right Livelihood Award (2013), and the Sakharov Prize of the European Parliament (2014). TIME Magazine listed him among the world’s 100 most influential persons, while the Carter Foundation named him a ‘Citizen of the World.’
World figures honored by iChange Nations include but are not limited to:
President Yoweri Museveni, of Uganda:
Honored for his great leadership in establishing and maintaining peace in his country.
Former First Lady, Janet Museveni, of Uganda:
Honored for the AIDS awareness policy ABC (Abstinence, Birth Control, and Contraception) an
ever-present battle for the health of their people.
Former Vice President of Kenya, Kalonzo Musyoka:
Honored for his efforts in the peace making process for Kenya, Sudan and Burundi.
Former President Pierre Nkurunziza, of Republic of Burundi:
Honored for his efforts to bring peace to a 12-year civil war between the two major tribes in his country.
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, of Nigeria:
Honored for the Anticorruption policies he implemented in Nigeria.
Former First Lady Maria de Luz Guebuza, of Republic of Mozambique: Honored for her humanitarian efforts for the youth and women of her country as well as bringing AIDS awareness programs.
Former First Lady Denise Nkurunziza, Republic of Burundi Honored for her efforts to bring a better life to the people of her country.
Former President Wolde Giorgis, of Ethiopia:
Honored for his efforts to build a better environment in his country.
Dr. Vanda Pignato – Former 1st Lady of El Salvador:
Honored for her tireless efforts in protecting for women’s rights in the Republic of El Salvador.
Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda – Former President of Zambia:
Honored for his life’s work to establish peace in Zambia and on the continent of Africa.
Martin Ahago
Global Partners & Purpose
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Bill Gates’s Heroes in the Field: Dr. Denis Mukwege
Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as ICN Dr. Greg K. Dillon Award Goes to Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Denis Mukwege of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Human Rights - Social Gov originally published at Human Rights - Social Gov