The impasse before Khamenei and his “Raisi project”
June 29, 2022Multinationals - Social Gov originally published at Multinationals - Social Gov
“Today the enemy is focusing that there is no future, and we are facing an impasse and a dead-end. This is pushing people to the conclusion that we are on the wrong path and the government does not know how to manage the country,” Khamenei said on June 12.

It is also crystal clear that he is responding to the slogans heard in protests of recent weeks and months as people across Iran are tired of the administration of regime President Ebrahim Raisi, who was selected by Khamenei as a president last year.

However, considering the speed of developments across Iran and people from all walks of life protesting throughout the country, regime officials have been left with no choice but to publish Khamenei’s unprecedented remarks.
While the reason behind Khamenei’s remarks is Iran’s escalating popular protests his message was intended for none other than the regime’s own ranks and files.
PARIS, FRANCE, June 24, 2022 / — The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) reported that the website of Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and Iran’s state media published remarks from his latest public appearance on June 21 following a nine-day delay.
This in and of itself is quite telling and raises significant questions, starting with, why the delay? Were there any reservations regarding Khamenei’s comments? A look at his speech sheds light on the crises riddling the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran.
“Today the enemy is focusing its efforts on making the people believe there is no future, that we are facing an impasse and a dead-end. This is aimed at pushing people into reaching this conclusion that we are on the wrong path and that state officials do not know how to manage the country,” Khamenei said on June 12.
From his remarks, one can understand that Khamenei is facing turmoil engulfing his regime.
It is also crystal clear that he is responding to the slogans heard in protests of recent weeks and months as people across Iran are sick and tired of the administration of regime President Ebrahim Raisi, who was selected personally by Khamenei as the regime president last year.
Protesters across Iran are chanting the following on a daily basis“Death to Raisi!” “[Raisi] is a liar!” “Death to this deceiving government!”
Nine days ago, this decision was apparently made by regime officials to not publish Khamenei’s noteworthy remarks.
However, considering the speed of developments across Iran and people from all walks of life protesting throughout the country, regime officials have been left with no choice but to publish Khamenei’s unprecedented remarks.
Khamenei also lashed out at officials in charge of state media, criticizing their coverage of a recent theft of safe accounts at a major bank in Tehran and the negative reporting against state police units that raised eyebrows and questions.
Khamenei’s reaction to a case of theft is unprecedented in regime history, rendering concerns about the sensitivity of the items stolen from the safe accounts that needed Khamenei himself to make such public remarks.
While the reason behind Khamenei’s remarks is Iran’s escalating popular protests, his message was intended for none other than the regime’s own ranks and files.
This is especially true for senior regime officials who, as a result of increasing protests, have become very critical of Raisi and his cabinet. Khamenei seeks to bridge troubling rifts dividing officials in his regime, including his inner circle. A look at remarks made recently by members of the regime’s Majlis (parliament) is quite telling, to say the least.
“Pensioners and retirees deserve more respect and should not feel obliged to take to the streets following incompetent decisions made by an inexperienced minister,” said Seyed Naser Mousavi Laregani on June 21.
“The prices of various goods are increasing by the hour The government is not thinking about controlling the status quo and has failed to provide any solutions regarding the markets.
People are being crushed under heavy economic pressures due to officials’ mismanagement,” said Sadie Badri, another Majlis member, on June 19.
Such a response from a Majlis that was supposedly handpicked by Khamenei and his apparatus, and intended to be supportive of Raisi’s administration, is not limited to these remarks.
Raisi’s Labor Minister was forced to resign recently and there is already word about impeaching or forcing a second cabinet minister to resign.
One Majlis member went as far as “thanking the Labor Minister for resigning” and voiced hope that the “other remaining incapable and incompetent ministers also show the same courage and call it.
These daily remarks are acknowledging the Raisi administration’s failure and its impact on the regime. This crisis reached state TV, and this is where Khamenei felt the necessity to allocate certain political capital to provide life support for Raisi and his administration.
We should keep in mind that in his March 21 speech marking the beginning of the Iranian calendar New Year, Khamenei had specified Raisi’s election as president as the most important achievement of the prior 12 months.
However, Khamenei’s recent remarks fully indicate that just three months later, he has to personally become involved in injecting life into Raisi’s administration, and his regime in its entirety.
During the past ten months, Khamenei has constantly voiced support for Raisi and his administration, knowing that all attacks at Raisi are actually aimed at him after he disqualified a large portion of Iran’s political elite to supposedly unify his regime with Raisi, his administration, and the Majlis.
Raisi is described as the last arrow in Khamenei’s quiver, and Raisi’s failure means nothing but Khamenei as the regime’s supreme leader reaching a definite dead-end.
And Khamenei’s latest speech implies that his regime is facing a major impasse and Raisi symbolizes the end of the mullahs’ regime.
Shahin Gobadi
+33 6 61 65 32 31
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Retirees of the Social Security Organization took to the streets again on Saturday, June 19, for the 13th day of rallies against the regime’s corruption.
Article originally published on as The impasse before Khamenei and his “Raisi project”
The post The impasse before Khamenei and his “Raisi project” first appeared on Social Gov.
Multinationals - Social Gov originally published at Multinationals - Social Gov