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UTAH Registered ‘BELKA Pedophile’ Allegedly Found ‘International’ Culpable of ‘Chief Executive Officer’ Improprieties

UTAH Registered ‘BELKA Pedophile’ Allegedly Found ‘International’ Culpable of ‘Chief Executive Officer’ Improprieties

January 14, 2023 Off By Human Rights - Social Gov

Human Rights - Social Gov originally published at Human Rights - Social Gov

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost |Tolkien|

It’s not about the pace, it’s about the direction …. The pace is of course a function of many factors … But what’s … more important is the probability of the supply shock …”


BURBANK, CALIFORNIA , UNITED STATES, January 6, 2023 / — Pedophiles are adolescent boys or girls or adult men or women who feel sexually attracted to prepubescent children (i.e. those who have not yet reached puberty). Some pedophiles are attracted only to girls, others only to boys. Some are attracted to both, and some are equally attracted to children and teenagers or adults.

-No one is responsible for their fantasies, but everyone is responsible for their actions and their deeds.

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Pedophilia exists everywhere, all around the world and in all environments regardless of wealth, education or religion. Just because nobody talks about it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Any sexual act involving a child is forbidden.

It is forbidden to tell children that you are in love with them, to make remarks of a suggestive nature to them, to show them a pornographic image or to show them your own sexual organs or ask to see theirs, to watch them undress, caress them, touch their private parts (pubic area, buttocks, chest) ( ).

-No one chooses to be a pedophile, and the vast majority of pedophiles will never abuse a child …

The prevalence of pedophilic disorder is unknown, as the social stigma around it does not invite people to self-identify. Estimates of its prevalence range from one to five percent of the male population. There are believed to be only a small fraction of a percent of women, if any at all, who experience pedophilia.

-Pedophilic sexual offenders are usually family, friends, or relatives of their victims.

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The types of pedophilic activities vary, and may include just looking at a child or undressing and touching a child. However, acts often involve oral sex or touching the genitals of the child or the offender.

For the condition to be diagnosed, an individual must either: (1) Act on their sexual urges or (2) Experience significant distress or interpersonal difficulty as a result of their urges or fantasies. Without these two criteria, a person may have pedophilic sexual desires but not pedophilic disorder ( ).

-Studies suggest that children who feel uncared for or lonely may be at higher risk for sexual abuse …

Pedophilia is defined as recurrent and intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children—generally age 13 years or younger—over a period of at least six months. Pedophilic disorder can be diagnosed in people who are willing to disclose this paraphilia, as well as in people who deny any sexual attraction to children but demonstrate objective evidence of pedophilia.

Pedophilia is an ongoing sexual attraction to pre-pubertal children. It is a paraphilia, a condition in which a person’s sexual arousal and gratification depends on objects, activities, or even situations that are considered atypical.

-Pedophiles are more often men and can be attracted to either or both sexes.

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Many people who have a sexual attraction to children also have a sexual interest in others, including people their own age or older. Terms such as ‘paedophilia’ are generally used in the media and society to refer to any sexual interest in children, but this is not always correct.

-You may also encounter other terms, such as ‘paraphilia’, when looking up information on sexual disorders.

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The following information, while not intended to be used diagnostically, may be helpful in explaining some of the terms. What is a ‘paraphilia’? A paraphilia is a sexual arousal to something regarded as unusual. There appears to be no single commonly accepted definition and it is acknowledged that what is regarded as sexually ‘unusual’ varies across time, place and cultural norms.

Paraphilia may be preferred as a term by some therapists as it can be seen as less judgmental than other terms, such as ‘sexual deviance’. However, there remains some debate about the terminology ( ) …

The tenth edition of the International Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders (ICD-10) classifies paedophilia as a disorder of sexual preference. A disorder of sexual preference involves unusual sexual urges and fantasies that are strong and recurrent, and which lead the person to act out the urges or be distressed by them.

-To be classified as a disorder, the problem has to have been present for at least six months.

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Paedophilia relates to a specific disorder where there is a preference for sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children. Therefore, it would not usually be the correct description for someone with a sexual preference for under-age teenagers (see hebephiliac ).

The term ‘paedophilia’ should not be used to describe young people under the age of 16 who have a sexual preference for younger children. ICD-10 criteria stipulate that the person with the disorder is at least 16 years old and at least five years older than the child or children who are the focus of their sexual preference ( ).

Hebephilia is the term used to describe a preferential sexual interest in pubescent (i.e. early adolescent) individuals, rather than adult partners. As with paedophilia, it is not a term that would be applied to under-16s.

-Related term ephebophilia, describes a preferential sexual interest in adolescent individuals (usually mid-late teens).

Hebephilia and ephebophilia are not formally defined as specific clinical disorders, but if the focus of the sexual preference leads to problematic behaviour and/or emotional distress, and if these problems are persistent (more than 6 months), they would likely meet ICD-10 criteria for disorders of sexual preference. This would need to be assessed by a professional ( ).

ASAP: Association for Sexual Abuse Prevention
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Article originally published on as UTAH Registered ‘BELKA Pedophile’ Allegedly Found ‘International’ Culpable of ‘Chief Executive Officer’ Improprieties

Human Rights - Social Gov originally published at Human Rights - Social Gov