Author: Human Rights - Social Gov

January 23, 2023 Off

Mathematica Joins Adaptation Research Alliance to Advance Climate Resilience Measurement

By Human Rights - Social Gov

Mathematica Joins Adaptation Research Alliance to Advance Climate Resilience MeasurementMembership underscores organization’s continued investment in growing climate practice WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, UNITED STATES, January 5, 2023 / — Mathematica today announced that it has joined the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA), an international collaborative of researchers, funders, policymakers, and practitioners pursuing action-oriented research to inform climate adaptation solutions and increase resilience efforts. Becoming a…

January 22, 2023 Off

Jeremiah Kitavi discusses 5 Steps Everyone Can Take to Improve Their Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health

By Human Rights - Social Gov

Jeremiah Kitavi discusses 5 Steps Everyone Can Take to Improve Their Mental, Physical and Spiritual HealthJeremiah Kitavi Jeremiah Kitavi, a Sociology major from Sonoma State University, discusses 5 Steps Everyone Can Take to Improve Their Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health. SONOMA, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, January 5, 2023 / — In a recent discussion, Jeremiah Kitavi, a Sociology major from Sonoma State University, shared his insights on steps people can take…

January 20, 2023 Off

Burris Nisenbaum Curry & Lacy Comment Regarding California State Senate Bill 1421

By Human Rights - Social Gov

Burris Nisenbaum Curry & Lacy Comment Regarding California State Senate Bill 1421Burris, Nisenbaum, Curry & Lacy (L-R) BNCL Partners Ben Nisenbaum, John L. Burris, Ayana Curry, DeWitt Lacy Opens up long-hidden records of police misconduct and use of force, bringing much-needed transparency to law enforcement agencies. Opening records of police wrongdoing to public scrutiny is a big step toward real accountability” — Ben Nisenbaum, Partner OAKLAND,…

January 19, 2023 Off

ICWA OPPOSES Proposed WA Legislation Describing a “New Normal” of “Mass-Disabling Events”

By Human Rights - Social Gov

ICWA OPPOSES Proposed WA Legislation Describing a “New Normal” of “Mass-Disabling Events”Quarantine and Mass-Disabling Events the New Normal? Washington State House Bill 1045 asserts that climate change will create a “new normal” of disease, quarantines, job loss, to justify a state basic income. . . .climate change will spread disease faster than in the past, creating a new normal where interruption of the labor market, quarantines,…

January 18, 2023 Off

AMCD Endorses Walid Phares’ New Book on Iran

By Human Rights - Social Gov

AMCD Endorses Walid Phares’ New Book on IranIran: An Imperialist Republic and U.S. Policy by Dr. Walid Phares Tehran’s elites pulled off the most complex and sophisticated set of strategies and tactics to trigger what would become a road to the ‘Iran Deal’” — Tera Dahl, former Deputy Chief of Staff at the National Security Council WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, January 6,…

January 16, 2023 Off

Dr. Michael C. Threatt discusses the Future of Housing, Technology, & New Book during his PHIA Meetup Podcast Interview

By Human Rights - Social Gov

Dr. Michael C. Threatt discusses the Future of Housing, Technology, & New Book during his PHIA Meetup Podcast InterviewCover Feature for Exeleon Magazine Top 100 People in Real Estate Magazine Article Business Journal Leadership Trust Banner Influential Leader of the Year was recently featured in the Top 100 People in Real Estate Magazine and was selected to the Business Journals Leadership Trust My thought process has been to find a solution to a…

January 15, 2023 Off

President of Success and Happiness

By Human Rights - Social Gov

President of Success and HappinessPresident of Success and Happiness is a revolutionary title in the Payroll and Human Resource industry and one that is not handed out lightly. FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, UNITED STATES, January 6, 2023 / — Introducing Journey’s New President of Success and Happiness President of Success and Happiness is a revolutionary title in the Payroll and…